Sirius part 14
by Alps Aris Sarsis

            Alps looked out over the balcony as he waited for Nita to show up.   She was not late, Alps was early.  He had learned a long time ago that unless you are asked not to be, you have to be early for everything.  It shows that you are responsible and dedicated.  Things a slave simply has to be.  Tonight, he would talk to Nita about what he and Tia had discussed.  Saving the town of Jalana.  Nita would have no reason to believe Alps for it, but he believed in his friend Tia, and he wanted to see her again, to give her good news!  He was adorned in a silken robe, deep blue in color, which seemed to agree with the color of his fur and eyes.  Blue was one of the only colors that did.  That and green or black.  Under the robes, he wore nothing, as normally, he slept with Nita now.  He had long since forgotten the room he originally held when he first got to the castle.  He'd gained the right to sleep in the queens bed under the pretense that he was there to keep the bed warm, so she didn't have to fear catching colds and the like.


            Nita showed up a little later than usual, by only a few minutes.  Perhaps she had stopped for a snack.  She sometimes did that.  On occasion, she'd even bring something back for Alps, and promise it to him if he was a 'good boy'.  She would have him massage her or brush her or some other innocent and pleasant undertaking, giving Alps sweets or other snacks as a reward.  The only mistress he ever had that did that was Nita.  She padded in and sat down on the bed, kicking off her shoes, and undressing quietly, seeming lost in thought for the moment.  Alps slinked up behind her and crawled onto the bed.

            "Hello m'lady.." he churred sweetly, wanting to butter her up just a bit before he delivered this touch of news.

            "Hello Alps.  What a tough day.  I apologize about the treatment of your friend today.  Things have changed from the time that you knew her Alps.  Her group.. the Spirits of Silverlight.. They say they are interested in protecting the people, but instead of working with me to make the world a safer place for my people, they work against me, keeping secrets, hiding information, fighting this war as if it were their own, and the royal family was neutral.  So, we have long since ceased any communication or willful help to them.  Perhaps your little friend did not know either, but that is how things are.  This level of politics I do not expect you to understand, but you have to trust me and believe in me on this one Alps.  It's for your own good, and the good of our people."  Alps looked at Nita for a while in silence after she said it.  She had just slapped down any opening for him to even approach the subject.  He gritted his teeth and thought for a while in silence, before beginning to rub Nita's shoulders slowly.  As he rubbed them, he continued to think, wanting to help Nita and Tia both.  Wanting to be Nita's faithful and loyal companion, but believing in his friend's cause too.  This was not a position he ever thought he could find himself in.  He inhaled deeply, and snapped out of it, when Nita asked him softly what was wrong.

            ".. N.. Nothing.  I just.. never realized how complex your life was.  If it had been one of your own friends, you would have had to make that same decision.  I do not envy you at all for that.  A slave does as he is instructed, and makes decisions only for the good of his mistress.  I never had to weigh in the kind of consequences you deal with on a daily basis."  Nita turned around slowly, and got up on her knees in front of Alps.  Nude already, she carefully removed his robes, leaving him bare before her, both on their knees, facing one another.

            "Alps.. thank you for understanding.. how hard it really is.  The vast majority of the people I help to protect and give a good life to.. never know.  To have you understand makes me feel better.."  Nita leaned in slowly, and placed her hands on Alps' fuzzy cheeks, and kissed him slowly, her tongue snaking out of her muzzle as she kissed him.  Alps warmed almost immediately, many of his cares flowing out of him for that moment.  To be held and loved the way Nita held and loved him made him feel wonderful every single time.  His problems would not go away, but in her arms, at least for the present, they were ushered away into the shadows.  Here he was, with the queen, this beautiful mistress, on his knees, facing her as she was on her knees as well, getting ready to share total loving intimacy with her.  For now, no problem could trouble him, as he let himself go, and enjoy her loving embrace.

            "Thank you for being loving and kind to me Nita.." the white lupine churred softly.  He just felt that he had to say it.  To let her know h appreciated everything she had done for him that no other mistress or master had done for him all his life.  Nita had rewritten the book on Alps' self esteem and hope and heart.

            "Alps.. I rarely look at you as a slave anymore.  You really are free to move about as you like and do as you wish, as long as my wishes take first priority.  I suppose I wasn't really cut out to own a slave.  Nidaja was told this when she went to buy you.  But she got you anyway.  And I am glad.  And I am happy that I have made you happy Alps.  Now, since you are still my slave, I want you to pleasure me.  Make me scream tonight Alps.  I need the break from the stress of the day." Nita said, laying down slowly on her back, and spreading her thighs.  She placed her fingers on wither side of her sex, and splayed them softly, spreading her labia so Alps could see the hot pink flesh between them, glistening already.  Alps chuckled softly, blushing.  Nita had come to the point where she knew what she wanted, and would demand it, using him sexually as she liked.  There were still the times where their encounters were loving and gentle, or exciting and adventurous, but Alps was very obviously filling his role of stress relief for his mistress tonight.  Alps lowered himself slowly, and asked softly, sultrily,

            "Would you like my tongue.. or would you like to be filled a little more properly, my lady?" he chuckled softly, blushing.  Such an explicit question, but he wanted to give her what she desired.

            ".. Just the tongue tonight, Alps.." Nita replied, ".. I am less than a month before season, and I don't care to take chances, right?" she chuckled and patted her sex.  "Don't worry, I will make sure you still get to have yours."  Alps blushed deeper at those words.  In season, for the lupine race, is based on when you were born.  The month before and after a female is born, she can become fertile, and she can be fertile for several days before actually going 'in season'.  Anxiousness, hot flashes, and strong sex drive are the tell tale signs of being in season.

            "Mmm.. I was hoping you would say tongue anyway.. Been a while since I last tasted you.."  he chuckled again lightly, and laid upon his tummy, beginning to lick alongside Nita's opened sex, his pink strip of flesh sliding over her fingers, beckoning them to move, so he could allow his tongue to do all the work of spreading that sex wider.

            "Ohh.. Oh that tickles.. slow down.. lemme build up - oh! - lemme build up to it, then you can go as fast as you like.."  Nita placed her hands on her sheets, and clenched them, squirming at Alps warm tongue as he teased her folds left and right with that wriggling tongue.  Her chest began to rise and fall faster as she gasped in growing arousal and tickled frenzy at those warm, passionate strokes.  Her labia, puffing up through her arousal, began to stay open a little wider on their own from Alps' insistent tongue.  she closed her eyes, as Alps got on all fours to keep closer, and be able to follow Nita's movements a little better and keep her from escaping the tortures of that tongue.  Alps smiled as he intentionally teased the queen with his whiskers, and he closed his own eyes, finally giving her what it was she REALLY wanted.  He opened his muzzle a little, and pressed his lips around that glistening slit.  She coooed loudly, anxiously in her approval.  This is definitely what she wanted.  Alps pressed his tongue into those folds, and began to stroke it back and forth slowly, deeper into her body, about five inches or so, wriggling it around against that textured wall.  The wolf-slave began to massage Nita's inner thighs, and the base of her tail, which he had found, increased her pleasure somewhat, or at least, she'd always cum faster or harder like that.  These evening pleasuring to reduce Nita's stress usually did not take very long.  She just needed an orgasm, and that wasn't very hard to give.  She'd usually reward him with one of his own, as it seemed she would tonight too.  There were times where she didn't, of course, if she was tired.  Alps would, in cases like that, do one of two things.  He'd either masturbate, which Nita enjoyed watching him do, or, if she fell right to sleep after her climax, Alps would go to Nidaja's room, and tap on her door, and just tell her Nita took halfies, and Nidaja seemed perfectly happy to take 'the other half'.  So not getting to have fun was never really worry for Alps.  He was thinking about how fortunate he was with this, as Nita wrapped her hands around the back of his head, and pressed his nose into her harder.  her chest was tight with anxious lust, and her eyes stayed closed.  Alps never asked to see if she was imagining him thrusting into her, filling her, or if the thought and image of him tonguing her sex was what she kept in her head, but she certainly seemed to get off on it.  Alps held her hips, to keep her from bucking into his teeth, as he probed her deeply with his tongue.  Faster and more eagerly went his assault, one paw rubbing her inner thigh, the other holding her tail base tightly.  Nita began her soft insistent whimpers.  A soft "Ooowooo... oowoooo.." that Alps used to measure how far she was from climaxing.  sometimes, he'd slow down, and let her pleasure linger to make her cum harder.  Other times, she would want it quickly, and not want to wait.  her hands on the back of his head told him she wanted it now.  Alps slipped his tongue deeper, and hooked it up slightly to tease that spot he'd learned very well by now, which set off any of his loving friends faster than anything else.  even still, through all this, the back of his tongue would grind against that sensitive clit which was ticklish and sensitive before, but just begged for attention and contact of any kind now.  Alps lifted his head to catch his breath, the scent of Nita's sex, and taste of her approaching release making Alps a little out of breath too.

            "I love how you taste.. the closer you get, the better you-" Alps spoke, panting, but was cut off.

            "Nnngg.. Don't stop.. I'm close.. wanna cum.. side to side Alpsie..  I wanna cum loose.."  Alps blushed and lowered his head, placing his tongue tight against the queen's clit, and flitted it side to side rapidly.  When Nita said she wanted to cum loose, Alps had learned, she was referring to something the lady lupine had learned through self exploration.  It felt different to cum with something inside her, and to cum with just stimulation to her clit.  the afterglow of cumming 'full' was better, but the impact of the climax if she came 'loose' was harder, and sometimes, she liked that better.  Alps always felt abusive doing it like that, because she seemed to be in pain at climax from the force of it, but he did as he was told.  It took a little longer to finish her this way though.  Alps held her hips, continuing to play with her tail and thighs, as his tongue raced side to side, and even in circled from time to time over that tingling button, the emerald lupine's juices spilling over her tail base, and onto the bed.  Alps groaned softly.  This was going to be a wet one too.  He controlled his breathing, so he could hold his breath in the middle of an inhale if that's when she popped.  Alps knew the discomfort of half drowning in his queen's release.

            "Come on love.. let go.. give it to me.." Alps insisted quickly, before setting to work again.  More insistently Nita cooed, the sound now coming out like a whining cry.  Alps loved the sound of it.  The sound of his mistress being pleasured was the finest of instruments and the most beautiful of tunes to him.  Enchanting and invigorating at the same time.

            "Ahh-aah!..aaah!..aaah!..." she cried, eyes clenched tight, hips held up with her feet braced against the bed, her hands holding the sides of the bed.  Finally, Alps felt a heated wash of wetness on his muzzle, the fluid running down his throat, to his furry chest.  He knew what was next.

            "Yes!" Alps cried, cupping his tongue under her sex to get that precious nectar.

            "NnNNNNGGggGGAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Nita screeched as she climaxed hard.  Alps licked and suckled eagerly as her body quaked, for perhaps four minutes of so, a long, powerful release.  Nita then collapsed on the bed, a panting, squirming, trembling mess.  Alps giggled and got up on all fours, looking over her shivering body.  Her eyes were closed as she panted.  Alps canted his head softly.  She had said she would give him his too, but she looked so very tired.  Alps licked his lips softly, and watched Nita.  After about ten minutes, she opened one eyes, blushing a little.

            "You okay, your majesty?  I hope I didn't hurt you.." Alps had asked this ever single time he put her in this state.  She always said the same thing, which is what she said this time.

            "Mmmm.. I am more than okay.. Don't worry.. you can't hurt me like that.  You are more likely to get hurt from that than I am."  Alps got up on his knees, his hands on his legs behind him.  His thick, solid member pulsed a rivulet of pre onto the bed, while Nita watched.

            "Still up for return serve?" Alps asked gingerly.  he wanted to make sure it was obvious that Nita could decline.  It was not expected.  He was a slave after all.  He was happy to do even as much as he'd just done.

            "Actually Alps, I clenched the bed to hard.. I .. don't think I could do it right for you tonight.." she admitted, blushing.

            "Shall I see if Lady Nidaja needs my services?" Alps asked softly.

            "Actually.." nita giggled, seeming to run a thought through her mind, ".. Go to the library.  Misty is there, studying late.  Go in just your robes, and don't take a bath.  Let her know exactly what you just did.. give her details.. and then, I want you to have fun with her.  Misty commented that she had not seen you around much."  Nita giggled softly again.  It was not uncommon for Nita to actually send Alps with the intent of having sex with her friends or family members.  As odd as it seemed, it was better than just giving them a hug and a kiss.  Alps was the perfect way to say thank you, or I appreciate you, or just, 'here, I want you to cum'.   Alps nodded and carefully put on his robe, before tucking Nita in, who was still trembling.  Alps waited a little while, for his erection to go down, but he was still very much aroused.  He just didn't want it to be obvious to guards as he passed them on the way downstairs to the library.  He kissed Nita on the lips before smiling brightly, and padding out to take care of her advisor and friend.


            Alps rounded the corner, and walked into the library.  He had passed a few guards, who grumbled softly at his passing.  They could smell the sex on him, the coating of his majesty's release down his neck.  They knew, but no one could raise the subject or say anything about it.  There was a bit of jealousy, and perhaps contempt, but they all knew what Alps' life had been like before, and if they truly thought about the arrangement he had here, versus those painful times, it always drew out and extinguished the desire to make things difficult for the slave.  Misty was sitting on the edge of a table, having gotten up and sat back against it, and eventually on the surface, the way she always did when she was reading something interesting.  What she had in her hands was a book about strategy through knowing your enemy's current position.  these sort of things Misty always got excited about.  They gave her hope of victory.  Alps smiled at misty, and approached slowly.  He felt his sheath tightening already.  He could feel his member getting thicker and harder, just at the mere thought of doing what Nita told him to do.  Misty would rarely take time for herself, and just cut loose and have fun.  Nita always had to find some way to trick her or coax her into it.  This was the first time Alps ever tried without Nita there to help her.

            "Oh.. good afternoon Alps.. how are you?" she asked, blinking, as if coming back from another world.  She put her book down on the table beside her.

            "Heh.. It's almost midnight, Misty.." Alps churred softly, wagging his tail slowly.

            "Oh.. that mean's everyone is asleep.. wow.."  Misty rubbed an ear, thinking.  ".. What are you doing up and about.. in your robes, too.  Is something troubling you?"  Misty had offered her services to advise Alps too, though he'd never used them.  What could she advise him about in the past.  Hi job was the pleasure of the ones he loved.  It was pretty easy to understand.

            "Oh no.. Umm.."  Alps blushed, trying to think of how to start.  "Ahh.. I just.. was.. kind of looking for a little .. different kind of help."  Alps hopped up onto the table, and sat close to Misty.  He knew that, this close, she could smell it.  She could smell the feminine sex on his fur.  She would know instantly that he'd been having sex only moments before.  Especially since, upon this close an examination, his face and neck were still wet with Nita's sweet, tart nectar.  Misty inhaled silently at first, but then drew in a few louder half breaths, sampling Alps' scent as he sat so close.

            ".. Oh.. my.. given that smell, Alpsie, you should be pretty sleepy right now indeed.."  She looked him over carefully.

            "Oh.. Nita is getting close to going into season.. so I ..'  Alps blushed deeply.  This was so embarrassing to him.  And it seemed so mean to tease Misty with this description.  It was an order from his mistress though.

            "You??" Misty asked, her eyes seeming a little glazed now.

            "I.. was only allowed to lick her.." Alps said softly.

            "L..Lick .. yes.. that would be good.  She can't get pregnant right now.. too much to do.. need to wait. and have someone who is in high standing.. and marriage.. and all that, right?" Misty said.  She was thinking about it, obviously, and her train of thought was quickly diverted from her studies now.  Alps realized that Nita knew what she was doing with this.  He smiled, and elaborated.

            "Yeah.. She has me do that sometimes, just cause she likes it.  She makes a lot of noise too, and I like that.. and sometimes, she makes me flick my tongue side to side over that little nub thing that she likes played with.. And she jerks hard when she finishes like that..'  Alps didn't know terminology or anything like that.  He only knew what worked.

            ".. Mmm.. Alps.. the little.. n..nub thing.. that's called the clit.. That's kinda like the tip of your.. umm.."  misty was blushing, and she just reached beside her, into Alps' lap, and found what she was wanting to indicate.  Already free from his sheath was the tip of his swollen length.  Misty gave it a gentle tweak, and a powerful sensation ripped through the white lupine's body, causing him to shudder.  He licked his lips softly, blushing, and only becoming more excited.

            "Ahh.. Yes.. so that's how.. sensitive.. how about that other place.  The one inside?"  Alps asked, finding that talking about it, and learning about what it was his profession had become, was very interesting.  Misty began to unbutton Alps' robes, as Alps sat on the table.  Misty got up slowly, onto her feet, and faced Alps, as she disrobed him.  Right in the library.  Anyone could walk in.  This late at night, it was highly unlikely anyone would.  Alps gritted his teeth softly, with both anxiety at the chance someone could walk in, and in longing for what Misty might be about to 'teach' him.

            "The one inside?" misty asked softly.  ".. You mean about three or four inches in, and toward the front of the body?  The pleasuresoul, Alps.."  This was their name for the g-spot, at least.  Alps nodded softly.

            "Nita likes that a lot too.. and both at the same time.. it only takes a couple of minutes to make her.."  Alps felt his robes slid off his body, and cut his speech off, as he felt fingers encircle his pulsing shaft.  A jet of pre arced up and back, spattering Misty's wrist.

            ".. I take it, by how fast I got you this.."  She gave his shaft a squeeze, "..hard.. You did not get to cum for your mistress?"  There was something sultry in Misty's voice, and yet, still curious.  Everything was exploration and learning to her.

            "N.. No.. She was too tired and weak after she came.."  he churred softly.  Misty moved her other hand to Alps' neck, and caressed over the damp fur.

            "The queen got you this wet.. with just one climax, Alpsie?" Misty asked.  There was a definite level of fun in her voice.  Alps blushed again softly.  It was working pretty much the way Nita wanted it to.

            "Yes.. Th..that is from her, Misty.." Alps churred softly.

            "Can I taste it?" Misty asked, very directly.  Alps' fur bristled a bit, and he slowly nodded.

            "Yes, you may." he said softly.  That hand remained on his thick cock, which twiched at her gentle squeezing.  Misty drew in close, and slid her tongue over that wet fur, and shuddered.  She admired Nita a lot, and getting to do something that intimate was likely a near religious experience, even though Nita was likely half her age.  Again and again, she tasted the queen through Alps' fur.  Alps began to slowly pet and caress Misty, through her hair, over her shoulders, down her back.  He liked the way this older female felt so close to him, wanting to take something from him that he was willing, always, to give freely.  Her hand began to steadily move up and down his shaft, spreading his wetness on her palm, to make it slide freely up and down.  Alps spread his legs a little where he sat on the reading table.  Misty released a long, low moan, letting Alps know full well she was ready for him.  he looked into her pleading eyes as she used her hand to push his chest, making him lay back slowly.  he found himself looking at the chandelier over this large wooden table, and feeling hands, both hands now, caressing, almost worshipping up and down his length.

            "She sent you here to me, did she not?" Misty asked.  Alps answered softly yes, and nothing more.  Misty's hands were replaced by a warm, tight muzzle, as Alps arched his back, a reward, perhaps, for his honesty?  It was hard to tell.  She bobbed her head painstakingly slowly, as if she were trying, again, to learn his body with her tongue.  She finally pulled her head up, and spoke again, in almost a whisper.

            "She has a very nice way to make sure I know she appreciates my help.  I was just thinking the other day.. that it was time to have a little break.."  Alps felt her breasts caress over his length, heavy and round, and then, she was on the table on top of him.  Nude, and hot.  She has disrobed after he laid down on the table.  Alps inhaled deeply, and caressed Misty’s sides, and then her breasts, which were hanging over his chest, as she straddled his hips.  Alps felt the wet cleft of her steamy sex press against his shaft, pinning it to his tummy.  he felt the warmth in his navel of a heady jet of pre.

            "She loves you a lot Misty." Alps said softly, feeling her so close, feeling those heavy breasts in his hands.  Larger than Nita's, or even Nidaja's.  For a book worm, she was beautifully built.  Misty arced her back a little, and held her head back in pleasure of Alps fondling her breasts.

            "Mmph.. yes Alps, I know she does.  She sends you to do what might be considered improper for her to do.. and I would do the same for her.  She knows that."  Alps placed his hands on her rump, only to feel them pulled away, and held over his head.

            "now now.. you aren't here to enjoy yourself, lil' slave boy.." Misty said, with a hint of 'naughty naughty' in her voice.  "You are sent by Nita to be my pleasure.. but I think she wants you to have pleasure too.. I will make sure to take care of my queen's favorite playmate.." Misty said.  ".. But, you have to hold still, and let me play."  Alps blinked softly.  He'd honestly never seen Misty act like this.  He had been the one to take her virginity.  Had she gone this wild since then?  A secret life of sexual frenzy?  It was possible.  He gasped as she slammed her hips down on his, instantly engulfing his swollen cock with her sex.

            "Oh goddess!" Alps called, with his ears slicked back, the sudden rush of pleasure making him feel he might climax any second.  Misty held still, but tight on him.

            "Oh yess.. So.. very good to be filled.." she whimpered.  ".. You like that too, don't you Alps.."  Alps gasped softly, in and out, trembling.  "now Alps.. don't you cum until I tell you that you can.  You are still a slave."  Alps gasped softly, looking into Misty's intelligent, piercing eyes.  She was going to outright use him.  for some reason, this made Alps feel really good.  He loosened his muscles, and felt a strong pulse of pre slip inside Misty's tight, near virginal sex.  Alps' legs were hanging over the edge of the table, so he couldn't brace, he could only lay back and enjoy.  Misty began to rock back and forth, her tight, wet, hot glove of flesh slipping up and down Alps' masculinity with slow, even tandem, but getting faster and harder with every few strokes.  Things were happening very fast, he noted, as Misty's pace broke the equivalent of a gallop.  her breasts bounced beautifully as the wet sounds of sex filled this normally quiet room.  Alps could feel the wetness from Misty dribbling down his sac slowly, and he felt his sac drawing tighter and tighter.  Even with his muscles loose, and his mind wandering, he could not take a lot of this tight female, sliding back and forth over him, with his cock wrapped so tight inside her, for very long.  he was going to cum, even if she wasn't ready.  He could only hope she was ready before he was.  His body was already primed for this by Nita, who he so enjoyed playing with.  His breathing became more and more labored, heavy, lustful, as he felt her slam harder on him, getting rather rough with her sexual attack.  She held his hands above his head, and then cried out, as Alps felt his tummy soaked, her orgasm happening on the upstroke, and popping Alps free, so that she rubbed her clit hard up and down his shaft, pinned to his tummy again, and cumming all over him, and the table.  Alps groaned heavily, quivering, and misty held him there, shaking herself, as she reeled through her climax.

            "Oh goddess.. Oh misty.. I'm close.. I'm so close.." Alps whimpered.

            "Not yet Alps..  Not till I say okay.."  Misty rolled her hips softly, but held him tight against his tummy, almost painfully, before finally sliding off the table, and pulling Alps to a sitting position.  "Now you may cum for me, Alps.. I want it like you took it from Nita.." she said.  With that, she looped her hand around Alps back to hold him still, and used her other hand to hold his cock.  she began to run her tongue rapidly back and forth over the tip of Alps' cock.  Alps squealed in desperate intense pleasure, and wanted to tell Misty to stop, because it was almost TOO sensitive, and kinda hurt, but he couldn't make his voice and mouth work right.  His legs jutting straight out, with his thighs parted around Misty, he held her shoulders.  It was slow to happen, just like when he licked Nita like that, but when it did, he felt the muscles in his rump clench hard, and through his stifled howl, he could hear Misty struggling to contain Alps' 'gift', her cheeks swelling to to hold the thick, rich rushes of seed that exploded from Alps, first over the length of her tongue, as it was flitting over the tip, and then deep in her mouth, as she held him tight in her muzzle, and suckled, making the wolf convulse hard.  After a few moments of this, Misty giggled softly, swallowing the last drops, and standing straight, looking at Alps again.

            "Thanks for helping Nita so much.." Misty said drunkenly, as she started to get dressed again, and handed Alps his robes.  he held the robe, not putting it on yet, panting through his afterglow.  He finally remembered the thing he originally asked Nita about, and then realized that Misty had offered her advice.  She would be perfect to ask.

            "I  am happy to be there for her." he said softly.  ".. Misty.. Can I have your advice on something.."

            "Yes, go ahead." Misty said, carefully sitting down in a chair, knowing her thighs were still wet.

            "If I ever have to chose between the good of our empire, or the good of our queen.. how should I choose?" he asked softly.

            "Well, Alps.. That is a tough question.  One I had to ask myself once, long ago.  My advice there would be, is there a way to do both?  A lot of times, we find a problem and concentrate on the one obvious solution, when, often times, there are two obscure solutions."  It would seem that Misty's mind was sharp again.  She gasped in disappointment however, as she picked up the book that was on the table, which had been lying in a puddle of her own nectar.  ".. darn it.. oh well.. it'll dry, and just attract male readers now." she giggled.

            "So you are saying.. I could do what's right for Nita.. and for the people?  How?"  Alps sat up, getting dressed.

            "Well, sweetie.." she said, thinking.  It was the first time, Alps notes, he had heard Misty speak to anyone i that relaxed a state.

            "Yes?" Alps asked.

            "I can't really give you all the answers, and I can already tell that you won't tell me what this is about, so I will say this.  Think long and hard about your options.  What can you do to take care of one problem, and the other as well?  What would be the best of those options then.  Develop a plan.  A strategy, if you will.. As long as your choice hurts neither the queen, or her people, and solves the problem, you have found the right answer."  Alps listened carefully, and nodded softly. 

            "I think I understand.." Alps said softly.  ".. That helps a lot Misty.  Sleep well tonight.. don't read too late.."  Alps hopped up, and bowed to Misty, who bowed back fondly.

            "You too, Alps.  Don't stay up thinking too late.." she said softly.




            Nita dashed down the corridor, the morning sunshine spilling in from the courtyard.  She rounded the corner, and looked rapidly from side to side, before spotting Nidaja.  Nita was only half dressed, obviously fresh out of bed, as she stumbled up to her sister, looking terribly flustered, both angry, and afraid.

            "Nita, good heavens, what's wrong?!" Nidaja chirped, only to have a piece of wrinkled paper thrust upon her breast.  Nidaja took it in hand to look at it, while Nita cried out,

            "That stupid foolish .. That.. oh Nidaja, he's gone!  I have to get him back from her!  I have to!  He's making a mistake!  He doesn't know!"  Nidaja clapped a hand over her sister's mouth, and read the letter slowly, trying to calm her down, while finding out what this was all about.  Her heart sank as she read the letter.


            Dearest Beloved Queen Nita Razelle,


            I have come to a very hard decision, and had to think long and hard on the answer.  Every day, I see your dedication to the people of Amani, and I see how much you want to help them.  You want to make their crops grow, and their children laugh and play.  You cry for their suffering, and rejoice in their celebrations.  All of Amani is your family, and I have evidence that your family my soon suffer a grievous loss.  According to the Spirits of Silverlight, orcish forces are gathering outside Jalana, to the north.  I was asked by Tia, my roguish friend, to speak with you on this, and try to get help to stop this from happening, but when I talked to you last night, I saw that you were very firmly set in your ways, and felt that you would not believe in Tia, and would drive off the subject.  I thought about just letting it go, and letting things continue the way they were going, because it's none of my business, and these things are too complex for a slave like me, just like you said.  I spoke with Misty, and asked her, if I have to choose between the good of the people, and the good of my queen, she told me I must choose both.  If the orcish invasion takes place, you will suffer terribly.  I will see you grieve and cry with such a large city falling.  You have friends there.  You have family there.  If I simply told you about the coming tide of evil, you might have ignored it, ad hated yourself, when it happened.  If I did not tell you about it, I would have let all those people die, when I could have stopped it, and I would never be able to forget that.  So, I am left with only one option.  I am leaving with Tia, and will assist the Spirits of Silverlight, in any way I can, to protect Jalana.  If you like, please send forces north of Jalana, to at least scout for you, and verify what I say is true.  I had little to believe in growing up, your highness.  Tia was the first thing I ever believed in, and had complete faith in.  You are the second.  I will not betray either of those I love.


            With adoration,



            Nidaja looked at the letter for a long time, reading it over and over again.  She shook her head softly.

            "Wh…what?" Nita asked, anxiously.

            "I know where Alps is likely to go.. where he must be headed.  We can get there ahead of him, and stop him before he gets killed.  I will put together a team a once."

            "I want to go!" Nita said sternly.

            "As you will.  You will be needed to order him back." Nidaja said, folding the letter.

            "Why would he DO this, Nidaja?  Why?" Nita cried, seeming furious.

            "Because he loves you." Nidaja said flatly, extinguishing that fury in half a heartbeat.  Nita just held her sister and cried.


To be continued...

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